Crap, It's New Year's Eve Again.
Well, today is my least favorite holiday of the entire year. I bartend part time on the weekends, and I have almost ever since I can remember. I do not enjoy New Year's Eve. To other humans, it's a time to celebrate the beginning of a new year and the passage of an old one. A time to eat, drink, be merry, drink, and did I mention, drink. People laugh, dance, kiss, and have a wonderful time doing things they probably wouldn't do, were they less chemically enhanced. For me, and all other bartenders around the world, New Year's Eve means work, work, work, and did I mention, work. As if working my butt off wasn't terrible enough, the drunken party guests will insist on shouting "Happy New Year!!" and blowing those stupid little horns in my face and asking me, "Aren't you having fun?!?" and I, because I rely on tips to make my existance a little less meaningless, will have to don an idiotic grin and say, "Yeah! I love being the sober liquor slave on the biggest party night of the year!" Needless to say, I am not looking forward to the horrors this evening has in store for me. In fact, I have been dreading it since about July.
I'm sorry about the chronic humbuggery of today's entry, but I'm hoping if I get it out of my system now, it will be easier to put on that big clowny grin tonight and pretend I'm having the time of my life.
Mental Note: Skip the obligatory midnight champagne toast and go straight for the Cuervo.
On a happier subject, the LO posted here is my best friend's adorable little Leah, playing at the park. I was proud of this page because it was the first LO I've created and finished during an online crop. I actually got to post the link in the chatroom before everyone else had left. Go me!
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