Saturday, December 31, 2005

Crap, It's New Year's Eve Again.

Well, today is my least favorite holiday of the entire year. I bartend part time on the weekends, and I have almost ever since I can remember. I do not enjoy New Year's Eve. To other humans, it's a time to celebrate the beginning of a new year and the passage of an old one. A time to eat, drink, be merry, drink, and did I mention, drink. People laugh, dance, kiss, and have a wonderful time doing things they probably wouldn't do, were they less chemically enhanced. For me, and all other bartenders around the world, New Year's Eve means work, work, work, and did I mention, work. As if working my butt off wasn't terrible enough, the drunken party guests will insist on shouting "Happy New Year!!" and blowing those stupid little horns in my face and asking me, "Aren't you having fun?!?" and I, because I rely on tips to make my existance a little less meaningless, will have to don an idiotic grin and say, "Yeah! I love being the sober liquor slave on the biggest party night of the year!" Needless to say, I am not looking forward to the horrors this evening has in store for me. In fact, I have been dreading it since about July.

I'm sorry about the chronic humbuggery of today's entry, but I'm hoping if I get it out of my system now, it will be easier to put on that big clowny grin tonight and pretend I'm having the time of my life.

Mental Note: Skip the obligatory midnight champagne toast and go straight for the Cuervo.

On a happier subject, the LO posted here is my best friend's adorable little Leah, playing at the park. I was proud of this page because it was the first LO I've created and finished during an online crop. I actually got to post the link in the chatroom before everyone else had left. Go me!

Friday, December 30, 2005

I Redid My Mama Page

I finally finished my LO for the Thursday Night Speed Scrap at SBB. (almost 24 hours late lol) Darn computer! But I like the way it turned out. I can't believe I haven't done a page about my mom before. She's only like the most awesome mom ever! I hope she likes this page. I'm sure she will, she likes all of my pages. I admit, she may be a little biased.

My day has certainly improved since I got off work. I'm always happiest at home on my computer. As long as it's not crashing on me!

I got a new beading magazine today that's full of great ideas. I can't wait to get started! I wish I had the money to go out and get the thousands of beads that I really need. I really wish those darn Swarovski's weren't so expensive! Well, until next time...

An "Alexander" Day

I'm having an Alexander day. Remember that old children's book, "Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day?" It was one of my favorites as a kid. Alexander wakes up with gum in his hair, the toy is already missing from the cereal, his teacher likes another little boy's picture better than Alexander's drawing of an invisible castle, and things just keep getting progressively worse as the the day goes on. I'm having my own terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day.

I think it actually started last night. I was working on a speed scrap for SBB. I was really liking the way my page was coming together. I was making all my own elements, and it was really looking good. Then my computer froze up. It seems we are having power supply issues. I was heartbroken. Of course my idiot self hadn't saved even once since I started. It was a speed scrap, for Heaven's sake! I never thought something would happen in that amount of time. So anyway, I have to start completely over. I'm so bummed. And knowing that it's partially my fault for not saving makes it only slightly worse.

My whole day today has been like that too. Just one thing after another keeps going wrong. I sure hope tomorrow is a much better day. I don't think it will be, though, because I bartend on the weekends and I, like every other bartender, hate New Year's Eve. It's a lot of hard work and I'll come home totally exhausted. All I can say is "Thank God for Suday!!"

So I had hoped to post a layout on my blog for the first time, but it will just have to wait. Until next time...

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

One of My Biggest Pet Peeves

Working in a retail establishment, I have learned to always be very polite and smile at the customer even when I feel like shouting or throwing something. However, there is one nasty habit of Joe Consumer that just makes my skin crawl, and when I witness it, I can hardly contain the look of disgust. What is this heinous act? People who lick their fingers when counting out money.

The worst thing about this disgusting habit is that it seems to be committed by people from every walk of life, from the most austere business person, to the kindly old lady that could be anyone's grandma, or the child-wrangling supermom, or the guy who looks like he hasn't seen soap and water for weeks.

Money is dirty. Studies have shown that the majority of bills in circulation are infected with Staphylococcus aureus and E Coli, which is fecal bacteria! Not to mention the common cold and flu germs. Think about where people keep money. I've seen it pulled from bras and even from people's pants! What if at some point in that dollar's life, it was a tip at a strip club? Ewww. Or what if it was used to snort drugs? Or what if it was a birthday present to your cousin Jeffy who likes to pick his nose all the time?

I'm really not a germ-o-phobe. It just really grosses me out to see someone put their saliva all over something and then hand it to me. I don't know those people, or the people they got that bill from. I don't know where it's been and I don't know what kind of germs those people might be carrying. It's just plain gross.

I do give most people the benefit of the doubt. Most of them have probably never even thought about where their money's been. It never occurs to them that they could be spreading germs to other people or to themselves. I hope people start to think about it. I hope I'm not the only person who finds this disgusting. Maybe I'm a little neurotic. I don't know.

What I do know is that I'm going to continue to have a bottle of antibacterial gel next to the register. It makes me feel better anyway.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

My Very First Blog

Hello all! It's my very first blog entry. I don't really have a good reason to write a blog, but I like to join in all the latest fads. I'm making this a really generic blog without one main topic. I'll write about my life in general, or my hobbies (crocheting, digiscrapping, beading, photography etc.), things that make me happy, and things that irritate me. I like the idea of having a space to vent. I work with the public, so I've developed a few pet peeves. I hope someday I'll have regular readers!! We'll see what happens...